Welcome to My Wild Encounters, a new website for posts on my current travel adventures!
Many people across the globe love travelling abroad, and a large proportion of them also love seeing animals in their wild habitats.
For me personally, there's nothing better than watching a primate forage for its favourite food, just a few meters away! I love exploring wildlife and hope this blog encourages you and others to do the same. I am here to post helpful reviews on my favourite countries, locations, accommodation and any other helpful tips that I can think of, to make this a successful yet sustainable wildlife travel guide...

* Back-Story alert: My dream, for as long as I can remember, has been to work with animals. From the age of 5, I knew that animals were destined to be a part of my life. My Love for them started the same way as most, with a variety of household pets, many trips to zoos or wildlife parks and the will, no the NEED to partake in anything animal based!
...But my passion grew and grew, until, at 16 years old, I moved away from home to study. I have also worked within zoo's for many years. Unfortunately seeing these animals in captivity just wasn't good enough! I developed a lust for travelling...
I had always been lucky enough to go on a few holidays with my family when I was younger, but as I grew older (and I know this may sound very selfish) those 'samey' trips abroad to a beach or to relax by a pool just couldn't quite 'cut it' anymore. I knew that In order to fulfil my aspirations, I had to go further afield. In my second year of University (and completely funded by myself for the first time ever!) I managed to save up enough money to take part in a field course in South Africa. This was 2 weeks of pure heaven! It gave me the thrill that I needed to start planning my future ventures. In May 2015 I was lucky enough to jet off to mainland Malaysia and Borneo for a month!! (A WHOLE MONTH) From then on, I knew this was something I wanted to do, for as long as I could do it for.
Now? Well now I have the travel bug (for those that may be concerned, Don't worry! It's not an illness that I contracted in the jungle)... It's the love of travel! So what else do I do but travel across the globe, searching for the most unique and beautiful wildlife I can possibly find!